"The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house, all that cold, cold, wet day.

I sat there with Sally. We sat there, we two. And I said, "How I wish we had something to do!'"

Well, while The Cat in The Hat has led inquisitive minds on many mischievous adventures during rainy days, at Sisters' Garden and Bloom, we're cookin' up a little dreamin', and a lot of mischievousness, too!

Today, in February none the less, we have not one bit of snow to be seen, but we've got plenty of puddles for playing!

And rainy days always bring a special excitement to the shops - there's a different inspiration and energy of movement, and by the end of the day, new displays all over the shops have transpired!

New displays with products like the much loved Cavallini papers, stationary stamps, and stickers in new designs!

And what does a rainy day do, but inspire us to think about all things 'garden'. We are so happy to be selling this magazine hot off the presses - Flea Market Gardens...loads of garden and outdoor inspiration, plus a little bonus to see us featured beginning on page 98! Rain or shine, snow or sleet, hurry to get your copy, they're awfully neat!
Central Mn is getting our first big snow event! Live your blog and hoping to stop and shop next month. Trouble leaving comments but will try once more.
Congratulations on the wonderful article in Flea Market Gardens!!! I'm thrilled for you.
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