Take a few moments to enjoy a hot cocoa with an "unforgettable" cup and saucer...

Refresh and rejuvenate in femininity with soaps to make you swoon.

The warm scents of Biscotti,

the delicate sparkle under drippy prisms,

a lovely postcard on the tails of a feathery friend,

and a much loved object that by simply looking at, you can feel the dancing wind - all life's little pleasures.

A place for your keys to hang out for a while,

the measure of a match made in Heaven,

a Chintz ring, made just for the most crisp, white linen napkin ,

the intricate work of crochet tousled under glass,

and the neatest steel table fit for a king - these are a few of our favorite things.

I see now,

that once is not enough, to divulge in the extraordinary...

to heed the call

of handsome function

and form.

Pour me some splendor,

and a mismatch of beauty.

Talk long, and carry on...and take in, life's little pleasures.
I love the sound of 'the dancing wind'...I may have to borrow that for my creative endeavors...I'm sure the wind won't mind!
A simply beautiful inspiring post...thanks girls, can't wait to come back, as always!!!
s...let the eat (cup)cake
Enjoy your blog----you tend to picture and talk about things that I also like. Plan to take a field trip in several months and we love to shop in Iowa so hope to look you up!
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