You all ask us, "How can you
not keep all of the finds you come across and want to sell them through our stores - don't you want to keep it all?" Well - we decided it's time to give you just a little peek at what we
DO keep at our homes. The first home we will show you is owner, Barb Hochstetler's (I always feel a little sheepish/shy to show - but here goes.....)
Here are a few of my favorite things.....

Gorgeous painting done by my sister

This is my garden girl - she was a gift from my sister-in-law and we named her Macy

This is a favorite gift from a favorite friend, Deb

Yes, Barb Conner, this cupboard's still in the will for you

Thank you for visiting - we hope to see you in-store again soon so you can find YOUR favorite things.....
Just as Barb would say, "It's Good!" It shouldn't have been a surprise that your house looks like the stores but for some reason I expected something different. Thanks for the tour! See you soon.
What a fun tour...and is that the sweet lil' chair that came all the way from Florida...yes, your home reflects the treasures we all covet at Sisters...see ya next week!
It's lovely. Funny, I was just thinking about all the stuff that I have sold...as I was finishing up this guest room. Craziness. I just have to change htings around- good thing I have an outlet :)
OMG!*!*! I can hardly contain myself with the 2 photos that have "BliNg"!!! LoVe ALL that ChiPPy... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!
Hey Missy...
Thanks for taking everyone on the tour... I LOVE you Home... Love everything in it.... It has Much Soul... It has 'Muchness'...It reflects, who you are...as, it should...
Thanks for the image of the old friend.... He's amazing...
My Love to Ya...
Barb C.
Thanks for the sneak peek! Love it!
Thanks for sharing! What a treat!
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