29 May 2015

Great Finds for Your Summer Home

It's time again to bring that truck in here, and make a haul! Outside and inside, we have GREAT FINDS FOR YOUR SUMMER HOME!!!
We've got fragments, parts and pieces,
and fun spring projects that'll bring life to your summer gardens.
We have places for you to relax a spell while you're here, dreaming of ideas for your own outdoor oasis.
We have new life in full bloom!
Give us a call if you see something you like (on your touchtone phone please.)
Enjoy a treasure-trove variety of finds for every style and every season!
Come see the furniture pieces in right now...lots of history and stories with each one.
New plants have just arrived in unique containers.
Celebrate the season by jumping in the truck, and heading out for a country adventure. Many great finds await for your summer home!!!!

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