31 August 2015


An amazing amount of treasures and gifts have flooded our stores in celebration of our new season rolling right in! Please venture out soon to see our goods both inside an out as we prepare for:

Apple, Apple, Apple!
Our Sisters Garden and Bloom 2015 Fall Open House
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 11am - 5pm
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 10am - 5pm

Prepare for the usual wonders we love each and every year like unusual pumpkins, mums, and fall goods everywhere on crisp autumn days....And also expect a few 'corny' things to and fro with a twist of unexpected 'something-or-others'. Like our Open House hot apple cider will have gone wormy by then...gummy wormy that is...ha!

Stay tuned, and keep checking Facebook and Instagram for more juicy details to nibble on...

30 August 2015

Gather the Beauty!

A little bit of living goes a long, long way! Come see all the unique and wonderful things that have walked through our doors lately...it's that time of year to gather the beautiful together, and enjoy a refreshment for the all ways you live!

24 August 2015

Life has Many Layers!

Life has many layers - and we believe in the 'layered look'! Come by the shops and add some dimension to your life!
When you stop in our two stores, look and look some more for the treasures that are obvious and treasures that are hidden.
Oh hi, Magpie!
Wonderful FOUND things are sometimes right in front of you,
and sometimes they take a little digging.
When you stop in, make sure to "look under all", to find those somethings that bring you great joy! Come see the MANY LAYERS of Sisters Garden and Bloom!

11 August 2015

Wonder-Filled Goods!

Come by for another wonder-filled August day, at a place where you can play! Many wonder-filled goods that can't wait to make your acquaintance! Take a few moments to treat yourself and see what's in-store at Sisters Garden and Bloom! We'll see you soon!

04 August 2015

Must-Haves at Sisters and Bloom!

It's a must-have summer at Sisters and Bloom!! For all of your needs right now!...Unique furniture pieces, accessories, new and old, antiques and collectibles, all things birdie, candles, soaps, and many more delights! Come see!
Time to snatch up all of the one-of-a-kinds finds here! See you soon!