24 May 2012

Visit from a friend...

It always makes our day when a great person like Jim Ingraham stops by the stores! He scooped up some decadent delights for himself as he shopped. It's always intriguing to see how customers put together their treasures - and as they begin to make a pile at the counter, you all of a sudden see the rhyme or reason, and style of their creations. And well, let's just say as Jim gathered his "must-haves", we were completely enthralled! Oh, wow! The way he put it all together just made us "Ooooo" and "Aaahhh"!
But then! - there was a whole new world of goodies filling his vehicle - so, several moments later WE acquired piles of new inspirations of amazing things!
Jim, thanks so much for coming our way, and bringing us the best of all things WONDERFUL! Your collections are looking so "at home" here!
Jim is a "purveyor of seasoned antiques and primitives, various textiles, reclaimed goods, and oddities" - and you'd be a fool not to contact him to get great treasures for yourself:
Jim Ingraham of J. WORNSTYLE
2110 Madison Street, Trenton, Missouri 64683
(660) 339.7281


  1. JIM IS THE BEST!!! and all of us in KC are so grateful he finds wonderful treasures (from people like you!).

  2. What a fun time---great finds all around. The shop hop sounds like a perfect way to spend a day or two in the country!
