10 May 2012

Bringing Beauty In

Lovely day to be out and about, searching for treasure, taking a few moments for yourself...we're doing this today by bringing the beauty in!
 We're thinking of candlelit patio evenings,
 and interesting, colorful art like this vintage school map of Asia, fun letters and versitile furniture that makes displays fun wherever they go.
Isn't this a gorgeous round table?! Many furniture pieces in a variety of styles, patinas, and ages, that each tell a different story...and displaying on them is great fun, too!
Little tid bits here, there and everywhere!
 This is our new (big!) friend Fido - he needs a loving home!
We're bringing beauty in today, enjoying the warm sunshine, and taking a few moments to savor the sweetness of life...

1 comment:

  1. Lots of lovely stuff. It is a lovely day outside today. Spent some time in the pasture with the horses.
