27 September 2011

Redo's here, there, redo's everywhere!

We've been super busy getting things turned around, flipped up-side-down, and right-side-up again with lots of new inventory and great treasures!Unique displays to highlight fall and all its bountiful blessings!

We'd love to show you all we're doing to enjoy this gorgeous fall weather, bringing the feelings of fall inside to display in SISTERS style!


  1. I can hardly contain myself looking at that LAST PHOTO... BeSt-Ever...
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  2. ♥~LoVe. the farm pics at nite with all the lites... it was grand during the day, too! thanx for including some of me in the re*do! appreciate being part of the sisters' family! have a great week & enjoy this fantabulous weather!hugs & blessings, vikki♥~
