05 April 2011

rusty & crusty...the outside lives!

Lovin' this spring weather and all the gifts the outside brings us - new growth, the rusty, the crusty and the oh, so wonderful!


  1. Yes it lives, can you hear the frogs...oh glorious Spring!!! Love the grill, who knew!!!

    See ya soon!

  2. ~♥Don'cha just LoVe how everything is greenin up? all your rusty & crusty looks sooo good! How did the voting turn out? still on the painting/staining doors project, may be done by CHRISTmas! they look wonderful tho...but hate having the smell & not used to someone else in the house... need to come & git my screendoor! mebbe Bill will be home one day & i can escape! {mebbe tomorrow?} take care & have a great week*end! hugs & blessings, vikki♥~

  3. So excited. We are coming to see you tomorrow! Can't wait to see all this loveliness for real.
