04 February 2011

Winter day-ing, lots of playing!

Love this grey square table and the chippy paint milk cupboard behind it - and check out the vibrant green preserved ti tree bundles - cool and bright!

What a sweet side table - perfect with your favorite book and a hot cup of coffee - yum...

Oooooo.....pure white and sunny yellow lemon verbena soap - nothin' wrong with that!
In a time of redoing and renewing, this bookshelf and chair are just what your room ordered - chippy paint perfection
So good, chippy white vanity and mirror that have such unique lines...
With the deep snow all around us, we're not buried yet! New designs all over the stores - and we can't wait to show you all we've been playing with!


  1. CABIN FEVER anyone...can't wait to come up...see ya soon...REAL SOON!!!


  2. I love the chippy window shutters! Lovely shop!
