28 December 2010

Winter Wonderland

Winter beauty is all around and absolutely wonderful right now . . . we just couldn't resist showing you our piece of Iowa and the Sisters' Garden landscape . . . . .


  1. Simply magical girls!!! But where did it all go...and are we glad it's gone!!! However, Winter remains for another few months, so now we let the mind wander(I have no problems there)...to Spring and a New Year and a new hope!!!

    All my best to Sisters Garden and Bloom and all of my wonderful sisters(and brothers, sorry Brandon) that play there...it's gonna be a FABULOUS year!!!

    See ya next year!!!

  2. I am new at this so I hope I can make this work this time(second try). Love your web site and it gave me a relaxed start for my day before I leave for the office. Shopping on line while listening to your selection of soft music as I drift through your on line items. Hoping to return to the site and possible attempt to purchase some items I have fallen in love with. The snow photos reminding me of our last snow here in Kansas. Our country home has similar sights and we are now bracing for more snow. Hope your clearance sale is a huge success and I hope to be one of your customers.
