20 March 2010

Happy Spring!

Check out these cubbies! And oh, the architectural piece on top - was an inlaid, decorative piece above an outdoor window . . . wow.

New pussy willow, curly willow and heather wreaths for spring . . .

Vintage prom dresses have just arrived -
Volcano candles (our best sellers) now are available in white jars - so milky white and clean, and the scent is simply fabulous!

We are loving the fresh green of our ti tree - sold by the bundle.

Creativity reigns! Look at this great prism shade one of the Sisters' Garden gals put together . . .

We are completely geared up for a lovely spring season with new merchandise arriving daily -we can't wait to show you!


  1. LOOOOOVE coming to see you girls! I never leave dissapointed, always inspired! Thanks for doing that thing you do that makes me want to come back time and time again.:)

  2. Argh! I'm in lust! I'm in Texas but most of my family is mid-west, the closest to you would be my sister near Rockford. I've got to figure out how/when I can finagle a trip to visit your area!

  3. i blogged about my visit to your fabulous shop. i could have spent hours wandering both shops and taking in all your charming displays.
