31 December 2009

Winter's Whites

January - time for reflection of the year ahead & a time to gather HOPE to begin again -

Emerge in the whites of winter - cool & soothing; endless inspiration . . .


  1. So calm, so peaceful, so freezing cold...such is winter in Iowa...

    Have a wonderful new year girls...it's all gonna be GRAND in this new year. We all have hope and faith in our fellow junkers...we will prevail!!!

    See ya soon sistas!!!


  2. So pretty... I played today at the shop... got rid of the Christmas and started on Valentines... Where yours is white... mine is pink... and I am HAPPY!

  3. white...hum..can you do a picture of -36?...but I love Maisie your pics...I so could slump myself anywhere in any of them!!Happy New Year!!!

  4. beautiful pics!! love each & every one of them. They remind me of why I like white soooo much! :)

    New to your blog, so I'm anxious to browse around!


  5. Hi Neighbors,
    Wishing you a great New Year!!

    I'm just starting out my blog. If you can take a look. It's totally trial and error. I'm a real newbie. All you creative gals have given me inspiration. It's such a wonderful way to express and show all displays. Talk to you soon!!

    Keep Warm & God Bless!
