31 July 2009

New Friends!

These new friends from Minnesota discovered us here in beautiful Iowa country. Pictured from left to right are Ki (Junk Revolution), Barb (our fearless leader), Jane (Mustard Moon), and Sara (Seasons in Carver). We were thrilled to find we are same souls - feeding on each others' excitement for old, beautiful, unique treasures. What a wonderful thing!
Barb and Ki sit on the 1940's glider, that, within a few days of visiting us at the shop, will now find a home at Ki's in Minnesota. Fare thee well!
Barb, hunter and gatherer . . . we just had to sneak a few photos of this lovely lady!
And of course, these ladies hauled as many Iowa finds as they could pile on . . . however it fits - just get those amazing things back home safely!

We thank you marvelous ladies for visiting us, and discovering the uniqueness that Iowa offers friends. We are thrilled that you wanted to come see us, and even more excited that next time we meet, we'll have many junkin' stories to share with each other!


  1. Looks like a good time was had by all. Don't you love it when you meet kindred spirits. Hope you can come visit us at Leola's again soon. Jan

  2. Barb, I love your store and will stop by soon! Looks like you are having a great summer! Kartika

  3. What a blast...us junkers know how to have a good time...can't wait to see them again...I already miss Billy Bob in the back seat...can you imagine their ride home, would've liked to been a little mouse!

  4. Well, let me tell ya about the ride home....we made it to Carver Minnesota and the brakes went completely out. Scary, but we are safe and sound and I am the proud owner of new brakes! Sister's Garden is a jewel in the middle of an Iowa cornfield. For those that haven't been...you need to go. Inspiration will fill your junker's soul. It filled mine!

  5. Great stuff attracts great junkers get great stuff...it's the junk karma circle :) And all nice ladies- so happy. Cutest picture of you Barb!

