14 July 2009

Apothecary and Bath Soothings

Linen water, delicate glass vases, enormous pink hydrangea heads and french soaps all cozy in a square wash basin . . . does it get better than that?

Yep! That arrangement sitting on top of what could be the coolest bathroom sink ensemble, throw in the chandelier between the cupboards and an oversized mirror behind it . . . you'll never want to leave your bathroom . . . ever.

Except to refill your Caldrea products in a variety of scents.

Can you imagine this amazing black empire style sideboard as a bathroom sink? Hmmm...

Apothecary goods such as our Pre de Provence,

Eau de Linge in several scents,

Durance soaps and hand creams,

Archive bath salts,

and this and many more Burt's Bees' products, will keep you feeling beautiful and relaxed all summer! Come see these products and so many more . . . take the time to enjoy a few moments of spa sensation luxury.


  1. Love your displays. Great pics, very inviting. See you sometime this summer!!

  2. barb, you get the coolest stuff. How do you do it? see you soon.

  3. And they're off...Theresa and Craig are antsy to get ta shoppin' Iowa...see ya soon...

  4. Oh yes, when I die, I want to come to your shop! It looks heavenly and divine. And I can't even smell it, but I can imagine. Hope to get to your shop soon.

  5. I'm in Oskaloosa, and used to drive past your shop a lot when I went to Iowa... I am going to come and visit soon! Love your blog, I'm a new follower!
