24 January 2009

Treasures of All Kinds!

Old wainscot dry sink with lavendar sold by the cup.

"Romantic Homes" magazines just in time for Valentine decorating, and old "France" linen.

Soft yellow arm chair and beautiful books . . .

New displays of everything Spring are arriving daily, including this large coffee table!

Creamy colored paper garlands, cement urns and this fabulous blue bench just make us smile.


  1. WOW...again! That song is perfect for you sweet friend!

    I stepped out on my front porch early this morning and I heard a song...the song of the male cardinal. I couldn't believe my ears...thus is the harbinger of spring, when a cardinal calls for a mate. Could we be so lucky???

    Talk to ya soon!


  2. Looks as beautiful as always... as you know I LOVE your store!

  3. So glad you are up and running w/ your blog! It's very inspiring and so fun to see all the good stuff you guys gather. Just had a good customer and friend, Deb, tell me she visited your shops a couple of weeks ago after dropping her son off at school in Iowa City. She had a great time, found wonderful stuff and even met up w/ Sharon - what fun! Keep up the good work!! Brenda

  4. You are truly amazing...
    When I see your photos, to most they would seem wonderful, but I know they only capture a tiny hint of the true wonder of the experience that envelops you when when visiting your store. Words could never express the majical notions that you project with your whimsical designs and soulful displays. You have a heavenly gift.

  5. Beautiful treasures! So glad you're blogging!

  6. Hey girls!!! Great to see you online. Best of luck on your new venture. I hope to get down there this next week. Maybe I'll run into you. Have a good one - Polly

  7. LOVE my lamp...BUT... my daughter took one look and it and stole it for her bedroom. STORY OF MY LIFE! hahahahaha Thank you Barb. :)
